What is carbon?

Carbon is chemical element and when combined with other elements it can form gases such as carbon dioxide. Various activities that use resources have a carbon footprint and release carbon emissions into the environment and contribute to issues such as global warming.

Carbon offsets

Carbon offsets refers to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions or an increase in carbon storage. Offsets are used to compensate for emissions that occur elsewhere and are often useful for reducing your carbon footprint. Carbon offsets are measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e).

If you choose to run a soil carbon project you can earn carbon credits and also sell them to the Australian Government, companies or other private buyers. Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU) are issued to you by the Clean Energy Regulator and each unit represents one tCO2e stored or avoided by a project.

There are also other carbon accreditation schemes available that might suit your circumstances better. If you want to know more we can happily discuss available options with you.

How is it stored?

Carbon is cycled through the environment (air, land and soil) and is never static. We work on carbon projects that store carbon in the soil or vegetation and this can be increased through regenerative and restorative land practices.

What do I do next?

There are 4 general steps to begin a carbon project:

Identify a project: plan, check eligibility and ensure you hold legal right

Register your project with the CSF (Climate Solutions Fund)

Begin running your project and deliver on project activities

Report project results and claim carbon credits

For more information, see the link below. If you are keen to investigate a carbon project or want to know more, get in touch!

For more information on soil carbon projects: