What is it?

Biodiversity offsets are designed to reduce, minimise and offset biodiversity impacts that occur from development and clearing. Landholders can choose to create a biodiversity stewardship site on their land which can generate biodiversity credits. These credits can then be sold to developers or other landholders who need the credits to securely offset their development or clearing activities at other sites.

What are biodiversity stewardship sites and biodiversity credits?

A biodiversity stewardship site is an area of allocated land that is put aside permanently by the landowner to protect and conserve biodiversity values. Some activities can still be undertaken such as strategic grazing or ecotourism ventures so long as biodiversity values are not negatively affected.

If you are a landholder, it means you can choose to enter into one of these voluntary Biodiversity Stewardship Agreements and generate credits. Biodiversity credits that are generated can be sold and landowners can receive an annual payment in return for actively managing their site’s biodiversity.

There are two types of credits:

1. species credits or;

2. ecosystems credits

What do I do next?

Contact us to help you determine whether the biodiversity offset scheme is going to be complimentary to your land holding. We can help you navigate whether the scheme applies and the steps you need to take to.

Steps for landholders to establish biodiversity stewardship sites and generate credits

Tucker Environmental can:
Determine whether the biodiversity offset scheme applies and is complimentary for your property or farm operation

2) Site visit and biodiversity assessment to ground truth vegetation

3) Provide the landholder with a business case for progressing biodiversity stewardship site over the nominated land

4) Detailed biodiversity assessments and reports developed for application to the Biodiversity Conversation Trust (BCT)

5) Lodge the application of the stewardship site with the BCT

6) Sale of credits and commence managing biodiversity stewardship site

Contact us to discuss your interest or options and we can assist in streamlining the process